Sole Female Cape Top Down Character Pack
A downloadable asset pack
My Patreon is also up now, if you guys want to support me you can just click the link :)
All animations comes with the ASE file and PNG file
Legacy Red
Crimson Red
Cloaked (Coming Soon)
Arranged in a 64x64 canvas
Fps Recommended for Most Animations 0.04
- Idle
- Default
- Crying
- Accept
- Decline
- Blinking
- Down
- Walk
- Dash
- Roll
- Hit
- Sword Dash Stab
- Sword Block
- Sword Unsheated
- Sword Slash Infused (2 Slash)
- Default Flame
- Bloody FLame
- Sword Slash 1
- Sword Slash 2
- Sword Sheate
- Bow Pull
- Bow Base
- Bow Shoot
- Throwing
- Idle
- Default
- Crying
- Accept
- Decline
- Blinking
- Down
- Default
- Walk
- Dash
- Roll
- Hit
- Sword Dash Stab
- Sword Block
- Sword Unsheated
- Sword Slash Infused (2 Slash)
- Default Flame
- Bloody FLame
- Sword Slash 1
- Sword Slash 2
- Sword Sheate
- Bow Pull
- Bow Base
- Bow Shoot
- Throwing
- Idle
- Default
- Crying
- Accept
- Decline
- Blinking
- Down
- Default
- Walk
- Dash
- Roll
- Hit
- Sword Unsheate
- Sword Slash 1
- Sword Slash 2
- Sword Sheate
- Bow Attack
- Bow Hold
- Run
Sword Imbuements- Sword Spin all Directional
Sword Dash StabSword Slam- Charge
- Bow Charge
Throw- Dagger Basic Attack
- Dagger Throw
- Bunch of Idle
- Interaction
- Transitions
- Portraits
This asset pack can be used in free and commercial projects. You can modify the assets as you need. Credit is not necessary, but always appreciated. You may not resell the assets, no matter how much they are modified.
You can contact me through this email ""
In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $15 USD. You will get access to the following files:
Development log
- Legacy Red Update: Charge and Spin85 days ago
- Legacy Red Default Idle UpdateDec 14, 2024
- Phase 2 Beta Update (Legacy Red)Dec 12, 2024
- Patreon UpDec 11, 2024
- Phase 2 Beta Update (Crimson Red)Dec 03, 2024
- Elvish Idle Fix UpdateNov 23, 2024
- Idle Animations Now AvailableNov 16, 2024
- Phase 1 UpdateNov 07, 2024
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Do you have any plans to add running animations? I need a little dynamic movement motion rather than walking.
Next Update will be more on movements, layers and accessories.
When I talk about movements this includes running, strafing, jumping and more :)
That's great news! I'll be looking forward to the next update.
I'm leaving a comment because there's something to do with the feedback in the comments below.
It's better to have an underbar rather than a space in the file name.
Example) Slash1_Bloody_Flame_Vfx.png
Because it is easier to distinguish when referring to the familial name in the code, it is easier to distinguish the underbar than the space.
Other than that, the feedback is well reflected, so the Sprite is well spaced, and it looks good to divide it by function.
Keep up the great work!
Would love a jump animation! :D I know its not common in 2D games but im making a 2.5D.
Yep, jumping animation will be available on next update :).
yippee :3
hey, thanks for the great work!
The idle animations for elvish character seem to be missing
Oh, wait I'll update it as soon as I'm back.
awesome, thanks!
i love your work so much
i have buy your work and use it in my game
by the way
will there be shooting anime in the future? i mean use the gun or something
Hi, currently there is no plan for sci fi or shooting animation yet.
Glad you like my work :)
The Sword Hack/Slam is not included in the compressed file
Can you see what's going on?
Hi, I'm currently fixing the Hack/Slam since the front side is missing, I'll be posting an update around Dec 29-30 along with the new animation and some fixex for both red.
Does the male character have a plan for when
yeah, there would be a plan for the male but it would take some time for sure.
This asset pack is really unorganized. I’m having to do a lot of editing to make this usable.
My notes are about the “Sole Female Main”. Your choice of version controlling the releases on the page are a different issue.
Some notes about that file:
Consistency is really key here. There are just a bunch of these really small issues that make it really annoying to use in my game. I think a lot of people expect more out of an asset pack they are paying money for. I can’t really recommend this pack wholheartedly to anyone unless this is fixed.
I think that the main issue here is your workflow when you are creating these spritesheets. You should not be organizing these spritesheets by hand (which it seems like you are doing). You should have some sort of automated system that generates these spritesheets for you based off of your individual animations.
I REALLY like your animations. Very fluid and I like the character design. This asset pack is entirely inhibited by the fact that it is a pain to use because it is unorganized in multiple ways. Please make some changes to how to generate and publish your asset packs. I would love to see what you make in the future.
Hey there, yeah sorry for the mess, it's quite hard for me to organize them due to have many animations and its confusing me sometimes, have you tried downloading the crimson red and legacy red? those 2 are the most organized I've made separately from the main. I think I'll delete the main files and replace it with ase files.
Although your feedback is very appreciated to me though, since I rarely find someone sending some feedbacks
also if you want, you can join in my discord server so that if you have any encountered problem you can just let me know and I'll fix it straight away.
Which of the two downloads is the most recent one?
There's two "Solo Female Main" files, with varying file sizes, which when extracted contain "Solo Female Main" and "Solo Female Main File", which I can't tell the difference between.
Also, since I originally used the old files I was looking to update them to the new ones, but the new walk cycle seems a bit off compared to the older version, notably the head bobbing in the walk animation.
The animation starts frame 1 with the head down, followed by frame 2 and 3 with the head up, followed by frame 4 and 5 with the head down again, but frame 6 moves the head up again, which doesn't loop back nicely to frame 1 with the head down.
Is this intended?
Hey there, I just fixed the files so that it is easier which one is recent, but if the problem is still preceed just let me know.
For the walk, yeah its supposed to be down, up, up then loop, I'll fix that when I update it to phase 2 thanks for letting me know though :)
No worries! Keep up the good work :p
Btw if you're interested in seeing the animations working in a game prototype, let me know. It's mostly to prototype an animation framework and won't be used in actual games, but maybe it's interesting to see how the animations flow.
hey yeah I would really like to see it that would help me a lot for sure :)
do you perhaps accept payments other than Paypal? crypto maybe?
Sorry I don't have any other payments yet, although I'm releasing my patreon this December which I'm making this game asset available there as a bonus.
Thank you for the clarification, I highly suggest adding more options since not everyone has access to PayPal or is open to making an account with them, so more payments like a direct card or crypto would be a good plus, but again I respect your choice! Much obliged!
yeah haha I feel that, sadly itch has only paypal that is allowed in my country.
Hello! I noticed you have a patron now! My question is can I get this on there at the sale price or only for full price? Where to find it?
Hey, yeah you can get it for free when joining Noble Tier along with some future release contents.
could you make it purchasable with credit card as well as paypal? its an account setting i believe, though it may be tied to the project.
Hey there! sadly I'm using direct payment which only allowed paypal and stripe, meanwhile stripe is not available in my country. So for now I only have paypal.
fair enough
I really like the newly updated Sprite!
By the way, the Phase 1 update says it contains a spin slash Sprite, but I couldn't find it in the file. Is it missing? Or will it be added to the next update?
Oh yeah, the spin attack is only front for now other directions will be on phase 2, I forgot to put the spin attack png file but its on the aseprite
As always looking great! I hope the termite problem is solved soon!
Just a quick question, on the page it says 3 different characters are included - but I can only see update files for 1/3 (Crimson Red); is that correct for now?
Thank you!
yeah its crimson red for now since I haven't arranged the others to spritesheet atm.
Long awaited update! Just wondering though, will there be a difference between this and the full version of the other Red Sprite 4 Directional, as I remember this used to be the full version of Red Sprite here.
Yes this is still the full version page and nothing changes with it so the updates are fully free, although I have to redesign the page which is why its empty for now.
Although I wasn't able to do much since my house got infested with termites and have to move everything including my pc to start the repair haha.
Sorry about that, btw, do you have any plans to add more interchangeable weapons to itmore visible in the future? Or animations for defence?
for weapons I'm still not sure about it but I was thinking of some daggers and I think I might remove the spear since its pretty awkward for me and I might also continue with the elemental sword which I haven't released back then, for defence shield is on what on my mind for now haha. But if you have some suggestions just let me know though and I'll think about it.
I think it might be nice if the player could see the weapon (like on their back). Shields are also what I said befor, or more simply, magical defence haha.
oh so that is what you mean? haha yeah I can probably add something like that as an optional.
Love the new update! Amazing work again!
thanks! if there is any problem or suggestion just let me know
It would be cool if you add in the future projectiles that match projectiles in bow/throw animations and spell cast animation would be cool
Oh yeah, I think I forgot to add arrow projectile
I love these sprites! I used them for my game The Lost Card:
Are the other character sprites still being worked on? They look great and I look forward to getting my hands on them :')
This is amazing! But something wrong with my paypal. Could you add payment methods for credit card? Sorry, my English is poor, i am not a native speaker of English.
Same with me, problems paying for the sprites
hey there, I just got my credit card these month but I'm still not sure how to use it internationally, but I'll see what I can do.
i have already buyed the sprite (great work by the way), how can i get the updates ?
or updates have their own price ?
Hello, first of all, great work! I plan on setting up your sprites on unity and implementing the animations on the engine, but I don't think I can finish a game by myself. Would you be interested in selling the sprite with those implementations? I know you already have a great sprite, but that could make more people interested in your work. Let me know if that is something you would be interested in. Thanks!
Yeah sure I will try after finishing some of the updates
Something I did with your assets:
This is amazing,but i need Magic Animation,Will see it soon?I'm trying to buy it.Are there any other payment methods?qaq
I'm still working on the basic animation, NPC and the tileset before doing the magic. Unfortunately my card has been delayed to be delivered which means there is no other payment methods for now, anyway thank you :D
Oh,I just need the action of using magic,not the magic effects.Could you work it before others? I can buy other pack in the by using paypal,but I can't buy your pack.I'm trying fix it out.And she is really cute:)
Wow, this is amazing I love your art
5 stars
Thank you!
Amazing upgrade for the character!
A question though, is the Piercing Stab png wrong in the Top Down -> Back folder? It is the same as the Front one, and flipping it looks wrong perspective-wise.
Oh yeah, Maybe I accidentally deleted the back version instead of the front version, I'll work on it, and thank you for letting me know :)
would like to buy it with a card, can't use paypal. q~q
Oh, I don't have any other payment method though, sorry about that... I'll try look for some other way.
Will be waiting!
Hi, I don't think all sprites are in aseprite format yet. Is this still a work in progress?
yeah sorry about, I was planning to separate the other characters in this pack, but don't worry it's eventually going to be free, because the others where made using Photoshop so I'm going to remake it using aseprite.
Nice, 5 stars.
Wonderful character - will make a nice story with her - love the art and very expressive too :D - my daughters will love playing her and explore dungeons.
Thank you :)
Why am I just now seeing this? You did an excellent job! I look forward to purchasing more from you.
Thank you!, glad you like the asset :)
I'm actually looking forward to updates on the astronaut :D
I just bought this pack and your art style is amazing! Do you plan on continuing with the updates on this one and/or releasing supplementary packs in this style?
yep, there are still 3 characters and some animation I haven't released yet and currently transferring the other sprites in aseprite so that others can easily edit it, anyway glad you like it :)
Looks great! I’m a bit confused though, I only see animation examples for the one character, are there animations for the other characters in the pack as well?
You can see the other and upcoming chars animation, and other changes in the devlogs, sorry for that I'm still working on how to design this page.
Hey no probs, thanks for the fast reply and keep up the great work :)
Thanks, glad you like it :)
Hi, this character is really cool. Is it possible for you to make a version for 2d platform game?
Yeah, I've been planning that for now.
is that still coming?
Yep, maybe a few days I'm about to release the platformer version
looking forward to it
This is amazing! Cant wait to save some money for this asset!
heyy i just brought the pack for my next game as i am a solo dev and kinda weak in art skill, i am going to modify it little bit i love the way it is but as of my story i wanna make some changes , thank you very much for sharing this :D
edit : i will surely credit you once i publish the game :D
Thank you so much! :)
I love it!
But side stab file equals back stab file.
Pls check it out.
I've just updated it, thank you for telling! glad you like it.
Love your character! A jump animation could be good also. Are you making a game?
Thank you for your words! Although I am not makings games for now, but maybe in the future.
What a great art! It's a masterpiece!
I think it would be more convenient if the asset was provided in the form of a sprite with no shadows on the floor.
Thank you for your appreciation!
I've just updated the pack, with and without shadows on it. :)
Really nice character. Death and Hit animation would be very helpful. Also, do you do private commissions?
Yeah, I'm still updating some few major animation including death, hit, dash and others, you can also contact me through this email