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This is amazing! But something wrong with my paypal. Could you add payment methods for credit card? Sorry, my English is poor, i am not a native speaker of English.

i have already buyed the sprite (great work by the way), how can i get the updates ?

or updates have their own price ?

Hello, first of all, great work! I plan on setting up your sprites on unity and implementing the animations on the engine, but I don't think I can finish a game by myself. Would you be interested in selling the sprite with those implementations? I know you already have a great sprite, but that could make more people interested in your work. Let me know if that is something you would be interested in. Thanks!

Yeah sure I will try after finishing some of the updates


Something I did with your assets:

Deleted 1 year ago

This is amazing,but i need Magic Animation,Will see it soon?I'm trying to buy it.Are there any other payment methods?qaq

I'm still working on the basic animation, NPC and the tileset before doing the magic. Unfortunately my card has been delayed to be delivered which means there is no other payment methods for now, anyway thank you :D

Oh,I just need the action of using magic,not the magic effects.Could you work it before others? I can buy other pack in the by using paypal,but I can't buy your pack.I'm trying fix it out.And she is really cute:)

(1 edit)

Wow, this is amazing I love your art

5 stars

Thank you!

Amazing upgrade for the character!

A question though, is the Piercing Stab png wrong in the Top Down -> Back folder? It is the same as the Front one, and flipping it looks wrong perspective-wise.


Oh yeah, Maybe I accidentally deleted the back version instead of the front version, I'll work on it, and thank you for letting me know :)

would like to buy it with a card, can't use paypal. q~q

Oh, I don't have any other payment method though, sorry about that... I'll try look for some other way.

Will be waiting!

Hi, I don't think all sprites are in aseprite format yet. Is this still a work in progress?

yeah sorry about, I was planning to separate the other characters in this pack, but don't worry it's eventually going to be free, because the others where made using Photoshop so I'm going to remake it using aseprite.

Nice, 5 stars.

Wonderful character - will make a nice story with her - love the art and very expressive too :D - my daughters will love playing her and explore dungeons.

Thank you :)

Why am I just now seeing this? You did an excellent job! I look forward to purchasing more from you.

Thank you!, glad you like the asset :)

I'm actually looking forward to updates on the astronaut :D


I just bought this pack and your art style is amazing! Do you plan on continuing with the updates on this one and/or releasing supplementary packs in this style?

yep, there are still 3 characters and some animation I haven't released yet and currently transferring the other  sprites in aseprite so that others can easily edit it, anyway glad you like it :)

Looks great! I’m a bit confused though, I only see animation examples for the one character, are there animations for the other characters in the pack as well?

You can see the other and upcoming chars animation, and other changes in the devlogs, sorry for that I'm still working on how to design this page.

Hey no probs, thanks for the fast reply and keep up the great work :)

Thanks, glad you like it :)


Hi, this character is really cool. Is it possible for you to make a version for 2d platform game?

Yeah, I've been planning that for now.


is that still coming?

Yep, maybe a few days I'm about to release the platformer version


looking forward to it

This is amazing! Cant wait to save some money for this asset!

(1 edit)

heyy i just brought the pack for my next game as i am a solo dev and kinda weak in art skill, i am going to modify it little bit i love the way it is but as of my story i wanna make some changes , thank you very much for sharing this :D

edit : i will surely credit you once i publish the game :D


Thank you so much! :)

I love it! 

But side stab file equals back stab file.

Pls check it out.

I've just updated it, thank you for telling! glad you like it.

Love your character! A jump animation could be good also. Are you making a game?

Thank you for your words! Although I am not makings games for now, but maybe in the future.

What a great art! It's a masterpiece!

I think it would be more convenient if the asset was provided in the form of a sprite with no shadows on the floor.

(2 edits)

Thank you for your appreciation!

I've just updated the pack, with and without shadows on it.  :)

Really nice character.  Death and Hit animation would be very helpful.  Also,  do you do private commissions?

Yeah, I'm still updating some few major animation including death, hit, dash and others, you can also contact me through this email