All Swordplay

All contents for sword attack animation.

If you have any suggestions or want something to add feel free to comment : )

  • Reworked Consecutive 2 Slash
  • Reworked Dash Slash
  • Sword Channeling
  • Blink Slash (Prototype)
  • Spin Slash

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Ei, estou trabalhando no meu patreon no momento, só darei uma novidade sempre que terminar meu patreon :)

nota: só estou usando tradutor, então pode haver erro na gramática haha

Muito obrigado por responder, sua arte é incrível!



Hey man, what an amazing work! I was wondering, do you take comissions? Thanks for the great work!

hey, unfortunately I don't have much time to do some commission right now.

That spin slash looks incredible!


Heyy , looks amazing as always ivan :D


thanks Krish!

Will there be a file with enhanced quality?
Because the current character quality is not very high.
Thank you ~

hmm, not sure about what you meant, like you want a larger version of the normal pixel?

I want the High pixel  like 720p or 1080p

Oh, from quality, you only need it to change from the game engine you've used.

I need desperately a bow attack animation with this set please!!

sure will :)

specifically with the girl version (long hair) and roll with the bow to dodge, fire etc.

I will buy this soon as you do the bow animation attack for the girl :)

This is getting incredible!! I'm really looking forward to seeing the final result :D
