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looks good wish i could download!

can't wait for this <3

Same here... Still waiting for this.


When will the download link be released? I can’t wait to try it! I will always be grateful.

Stumbled on this while it's being re-worked.

The existing version looks incredible, can't wait to see what's changed,
Nice work!

is this not available for download anymore?

I'm still in process of reworking it probably around this month I'll publish a reworked version of it.


This asset have a lot of missing files atm due to accidentally deleting the original one, Im doing some full rework of the asset atm. Thank you.



Bro why aren't you asking for credit man. Nicest guy in the world, I'm dropping pretty much a separate credits section for you bro.

These are absolutely adorable!

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I really love your pack but I feel there's some false advertising going on . Your pack doesn't include some of the things shown in the pictures. Like the water reflections, some land/water corners, fish, shown animations, stairs, and other props. I was really looking forward to using this pack but when trying to recreate a scene from your picture here I wasn't able to do it.

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Did you download the correct pack? Some of the other versions have assets that aren't in the V3 pack. 

I assumed the last version would be complete. That's how it goes with versions. I now see there are some animations etc in the first pack. Awesome! Might want to put a comment or something on this page for people in the future or update your packs to include all assets.

Sadly the pack is still missing things even if you combine all versions together

True but never the less it's still free content which they offered to give out for free even if we are using it only for financial purposes.

So beautiful! I want to use them in rpgmaker, is there something I should notice?

I don't know how I missed this; the swirling fish are a nice touch and I really like the birch trees.

Really beautiful pack! I had seen this character before but didn't know lots of other lovely assets existed to complement it!

Fantastic, really inspiring style, love every pixel of it. Cheers!

Looks awesome. I bought the Red sprite character because I love how it all looks together. Is there an update coming with the water animations? :D

Hey this artstyle is really lovely, I especially like the animated flowers. But they arent in the files unfortunately, only a still image :/ I also would really like the birds you have on the cover image. If you could make these downloadable I would defenitely pay for it! thank you

Thanks for releasing this lovely painterly set!

I haven't been able to find the image that corresponds to the water/ground reflections you share in the examples. Is there a file I'm missing?

Hey, i absolutely love your art, im hoping to convert my game to use all your assets soon! I am curious if you are still working on these for updates, if you need some funding to keep going, i'd love to sponsor or commission some work from you! thanks for releasing these, im a huge fan

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Great work and thank you so much, I am using this for my game.It's such a great tileset, you really thought of everything.

I really love ur art style and i just hope that u can update the animated tiles

First off, awesome tileset thanks for sharing it! as far as suggestions I’m more excited to see it come together in your vision but two things that crossed my mind playing with it were

A) expanding on pebbles and stones, would love a few tiles for drawing worn pebbled walking paths (same idea as the paved one but more subtle, rugged and less refined - more so for a village setting than the forest) that feels poorly articulated so heres an example of what I imagine

B) as I see ShonesKishana mentioned, I’d love to use this in conjunction with a cave interior of the same art style / thematical series.

Love all of it, it’s a nice original piece - really liking the houses though a modular pack in that style would be a huge hit I’d bet.

Hey! glad you like my art! :D

There will be more update with the tilesets soon! although I'm still doing some homework though so probably around next month or this month XD and thank you too! :D

I really like this!

Thank you! :D

Could you make a new png. that has every tile on it, and one that has all of the animated tiles.

Sure when I get some time to complete the assets :D


I'm trying to make a top down survival game!

Yeah I would like that too :D

It makes it so much easier.

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I really love your art style. Have you thought about making the inside of the cave?

Yes! although this tileset still not finish yet, maybe after updating this and some character will add the cave interior tileset :)

I would love to buy the cave tile set if you have even a little bit of it done? I'm working on a game with your Forest Assets, and need an underground set that matches.

hi, awesome sprites! Could you add the reflection of the edges in the water animation?


thats where coding comes in

Nice! Interested in seeing what's next.

Glad you like it! :D


The new houses are cute 💜

Thank you! :D

Your tilesets are awesome too! :)

Thank you very much! 💚


I don't see the bridge and the sticks that are shown in the screen shot.  Is it possible to include?


oh yeah I forgot about it XD, I'll update it asap..


I'm also waiting for the update thanks in advance love your art style!!!

hey when are you going to do more characters? I loved it


after updating the tile sets :D

Nice update!

Thank you :D

I love tilesets and all, but what website allows you to put it together without being downloaded (i'm using chromebook)

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I don't think there's a site or anyone willing to let the public freely download online assets to let the mass public test online. However, if you wish to test it online without software, you could try this website, make sure to import the tilset (you still have to download the pack)

I didn't mean downloading the pack, I meant downloading the file that is used in risky lab it's  a file type that can't open on chromebook, so I just have a tilemap file that's deffective.

Theses assets are good looking. Nice job :)

Thanks :)

I really like the color, do you use the released palette? Or do you make your own and use it?

Hey there, yeah I make my own color palette for my assets haha

Awesome assets, but bush sprite are missin

Sorry about that XD, I was planning to add it only at the final version this asset since the file here still a BETA


I know that this is in beta. However, I wanted to let you know that some tiles look out of place when auto-tiling. I thought I was doing it wrong, but thankfully you provided a tile set guide which made me realised it wasn't me going crazy haha. It is simple enough for me to fix up on my own, however for new people to have a seamlessly good experience I think its best to update the pack to include these fixes.

thank you for knowing me though! XD , I'm still trying to make this work haha

by the way do you have any discord? Just wanting to ask some question related to this XD

Sure Myers#7735, apologies for the delay I didn't expect such a quick response

Hi, your pack looks awesome!!! I'm doing a college project where I need to preset a gamification idea of the web platform, Moodle, used by my institution Universidade de Brasília (UnB) located in Brazil, Federal District. I'm awful at map drawing, so I came here to ask if there is any possibility for you to provide the scenes/maps used in the previews, as they would make more pleasant for the presentation event that's going to happen, for sure I will give you credits.

sure :)


Nice, 4 stars