Update coming this end of the month

Hi guyss! this is Pixivan!

Sorry for the long quite days though I got a whole stuff going on and some works.

So first of all I'll be updating this pack along with the red caped character at the end of this January, I've been working on a lot fixes of the forest tileset and done making an extension pack with it which is the ruins, so if you guys have any assets recommended just let me know so that I might be able to add them along with the update!

Forest Content Update:

- Added more grass type and flowers
- Added More Rocks
- added shadows and retextured of some of the assets
- More Floor Tilesets
- Added Bridges and more structures
- Tileset Fix (Especially the water tilesets which is sucks XD)
- Tree Shadows/border
- RUINS!!!

Please share me some knowledge if anything is off XD


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Looks great!  Adding stone henge structure would look nice!


sure will :D